This is how I Started.....


So finally I am putting my first step in the blogging world.Well I had made this account long before but the reason were not that noble that time.The reason why I havn't started with, was nothing but a reason only, as I had no reason or point to start with. From last few days i was thinking where to start with looking at posters, people,roads,friends and some blogs also but finally today I thought of telling you all people how I thought to start with my blog.
Well the seed for this start was put many months before in the third quarter of 2008, and the reason why i made it was to put out all my frustration and anger in my mind at that time.But it was none of a useful step in return as whenever i used to open my blog then i used to revive with that feeling again.So i deleted that post.Now my blog was blank and its owner was now in search of a new idea. And really friends hunting for ideas is much more joy than writing them and such was a case when i was once sitting in railway station at night as my train was 1 and 1/2 hrs late whose right time was 9:05 pm.
I saw a small boy may be was about 5-7 yrs old I guess was holding two big big bags with his mother and his father was fully drunk. His father had no control over himself and was just scolding his mother, but my point of interest was the small boy he took the bottle from his mother and brought water for her, and took money from his mother
went outside and brought food for her and just sat beside her(sitting) and his father(sleeping). He was consistently looking at his mother for any help. Stopping his father to go near to the track as he knew it was dangerous for him specially in this condition. His name was Pintu, as his mother called him so and he made me think that I should write, I should write about him.
Well 2008 passed away with many havocs of war and joys of cricket. 2009 came and this year on the new year midnight we had no party as we generally do previously with my friends.So, I felt just to think something about me and really I hate doing this thing but we have to do it.Noone can be completely unselfish and survive in this world to live other than an ascetic.I felt that now I want to do something but the question was what? I don't know that. I have always been in the observer side looking at others doing things I always fear something to implement my ideas. I found my greatest fear in my life is fear I never want to be a timid kind of person. I fear to do my own things I even now fear to ask doubts in class to talk to girls even and I hate fearing so many things. The shy nature somewhere within has now developed to a fear. I talked about this problem to Biru(my cousin brother) he said the greatest way to tackle fear is to face it rather than escape it.
Now I got my answers why, I did not want to write blog for this long time. And my brain started to enjoy its job to process and my body started to enjoy obey my brain.So starting to enjoy things.And then today morning when I woke up just felt that why not write about it.When the journey to write this blog was so long then why not regress it in future. So I thought of writing about it...And kick start my blog and...

The blog above is how I started............


Unknown said…
The vivacity of a diamond is only capable of mesmerizing eyes ...when polished.

You have always been a diamond... all you need is cast off the fear of whatever in you...

Cheers for life...
Wish said…
Hey great start buddy...
Welcome to the blogosphere!!!
Write whatever you experience in your life to make poeople aware of them. This is why this small world of Blogs is called "Blogosphere".

A small Story:

Oneday I met a tortoise in the dreamsland. It was roaming freely even tough being preyed by a tough and big eagle. Then the eagle attacked it however the tortoise survived by quickly entering into its shell.

After sometime it again came out, and the eagle was waiting for it to come out.

This event recurred for many times and the tortoise survived every time.

I could not take it more and ended the duel.

I asked the tortoise, "why do you come out every time although you know that you are being hunted?"

It replied, "I know I am being hunted and I will be forever, but if I do not face my fears I can not see the beauty the dreamland holds. I don't want to die escaping my fears but by facing them so as to make my death a worthy event".

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