Mamaa's day in Hospital

                    Today Bou(my Mummy) came back to  house after her operation. She recovered soon, after having an operation, Doctors just discharged her in a day to come back to home. I often when talk to her often fill up with happiness and inspiration inside and just go and grab her completely in my arms as a response when I talk to her. I was bit sad today as I could not do that.  She reached home and she was looking weak and tired may be due to reduced amount of  solid food intake made her so. Her eyebrows raised up with forehead shrinked showing a worried and pain-striken look. I asked her how is she feeling. She said,"I am feeling nice now". Till now she would always laugh and say back,"Tame maane jaayo mun thik acchi bhal laaguchi mate"(you go and don't worry about me I am feeling good). I was even ready to listen some complaints of hospital from her. But don't know why whenever she talks she always talks right and positive. Don't  know how grandfather have installed these habits in her but she always talks the right but in a proper way. I often say my Baba(my Father) that if she would be able to write then she would have been a skilled writer, writing very nice article because she always notes small small things of life like a labourer going to work, a small child brought by a worker by her mother and how she takes care of her even while working, when I talk to her I always feel like hearing a Sudha Murthy Book story from her mouth. A similar thing happened when she came to house from hospital. She spoke that the toilet were really dirty even justifying that how the patients were so weak enough to walk to that much distance. She was just explaining the ease and love with which the doctors were working there that she even if alone(without all of us) in the hospital was never feeling helpless. She talked about all the patients near to her bed.  There was a weak girl just at the adjacent bed of hers who could hardly even walk by herself but my mother was saying that she used to console Bou that she will get well soon and need not worry much, she had a smile on her face while saying this because Bou was saying Later that the girl fainted once while going to bathroom when she had to goto call a doctor to help her. She was also saying how all people used to offer her food and talk to her about there families even if they were strangers. She talks a lot and that’s why I love her the most. She came and even if she was not feeling well still she talked for 30 minutes saying about everyone there. We know she was in some kind of pain but may be  by looking at so much pain around in the hospital she might have forgot hers one. Thank God my charming and always smiling and Lovely Bou is now in home and I can sleep beside her looking at her now. In our current society we often magnify our problems and issues so much that we fail to note the problems and issues in our sorroundings which we can easily fix by giving a helping hand or just do something which is utterly simple for us. She came to house and as soon as she reached she came back to her work asking me if I finished my lunch, when am I going to Office and when will I be back, and again getting surprised and disturbed by knowing my elder sister had not ate till now. I answered all the questions asked to me with a hearty smile because she loves to see me smile. I don't know of what were the girls of her time were made of they are so much stable in there attitude and so strong in any condition and in any problem.  It feels good to see everything getting back in track. Thank you Life. :)


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