Yesterday was Sankranti which is said to be the new year in Oriya Calendar. I thought to have a visit to the temple of Maa Bhairabi just near to our hostel at Berhampur.Unlike other days, due to the festival there was rush in the temple. People from all villages near by had come to visit the holy place to take the blessing of Maa in this special day. This was my first visit and after coming here I was feeling real pity on myself why I hadn’t visited this place earlier. The best thing in the temple was the incarnation of 109 gods at one place. Then I started to feel the importance of 108 number in Hinduism. May be it is the total number of Gods in our religion. I have seen my sisters collecting 108 pieces of grass twigs(duba) or rice grains in Rakhi to worship us(brothers). Really this temple can be visited on any day to worship any God. All are here. It was so nice to see all of them. Just like an army of all gods present at one place just like a headquarter of all Gods.All of the God seem to have a place in our Hindu mythology except the last God whom we saw. “The Kalki” .He is not born yet and is said to take birth in this Yuga of ours THE KALI YUGA. I have heard from my parents that one day he will come and end the sinful Kalyug and bring the rule of truth back to this world. Suddenly my memories rolled back to my school days when I had first heard about our Hero from my Father while he was showing me a foto of a person looking just like a great warrior king holding a sword in his hand riding a horse who is ready to Gallop and ready to run limitlessly for him to liberate the world.As during my school time I was a great fan of SHAKTIMAAN, NAGRAJ , DHRUV and all, so he was just like a superhero to me.

As soon as Baba said me this I asked him, “ how is he going to do that?”.He said me well thats not written here, its only written that he will come thats all. So I started to think about this very special person, and really I enjoyed to ask myself repeatedly,”WHO is KALKI?”.I still sometimes think about it in my free time today also and when I saw his statue, the sleeping memory cells reactivated and as soon as I asked the same question in google,”WHO’s KALKI ?”.I saw google suggestions showing the search automatically in the drop down before I click the search button.I was really happy ,because I was not the only person curious about him many have typed for him before me so I was feeling nice J. I have ever imagined how KALKI will save us from all evil. The first thought that came to my mind was the same foto of him with a sword and his horse. A completely glowing white horse whose fur glows and emits a light to long long distance in the direction where Kalki goes sending a message of relief for the good people and fear for bad people. And he would call all of the sinners to one place and fight with them all alone and finish them all in groups and then go all over the world to kill the rest of the bad people.This was a comlpetely super-Hero style. Inspired from Chandrakanta, Mahabharata, Shri Krishna type serials.

But gradually as I grew up I started to understand the meaning of the lines “ all characters and incidents in this serial are fictitious” in the serial shown before it started. And started to understand that whatever I have thought is not really going to happen. Sometimes I imagined him as the Knights as they looked a bit similar to them. But again then I started to think that may be he won’t be riding a horse and holding a sword rather would be a very big Knowledgable person who is a very big Entrepreneur, Orator , Poltician and who comes to power due to all his talent and changes the whole world just like a great ruler and delivers the world perfect, ideal and simple rules for people to follow, which demolishes all the dark side of the world and slowly converts this world to a place which only favours the good people and if someone wishes to listen his evil side he can’t survive in this world.A person who is among us only, from many many decades but we are unable to recognise him. Who is Alone.......Silent................Preparing for the right moment to come to uncover himself. I imagine him as wearing a cloak and watching every injustice from the corner of his eye and ignoring or sometimes unable to control himself playing a small role to solve it also sometime. May be he would be having a hideout where he is always preparing his weapons and having his white horse or someother device for his transport. Sharpening his weapons and his mind by reading a lot of books to beat the materialistic and smart people who are going to oppose him.

Well that was a very nice fiction that could be true just like the Lord of the rings book. We all dream....Right......Still most of us like to be practical.Now sometimes I think what is that?, well as far as I can define it i would say, practical thoughts are that which involves things and persons whom we see and whom we feel, based on the things that daily happen in our life. I remember a class of my school of Moral science subject, the chapter name was ‘The Conscience’ I remember the picture of that chapter it was a very dark sorrounding with a face pictured from side looking up towards the emptiness of the darkness and trying to speak something. Sister Anne I think was teaching the class,why I don’t know but I remember the class very well it was explained so well by her, and the chapter also made me realise yes there is always a voice or certain force within me which stops me and gives me a initial feeling at things which are wrong. I feel thats true with all of us. We all feel bad when we try to ignore anything thats not right and wrong happening infront of us. Most of us find ourselves helpless at such conditions as sometimes the one we are going to challenge is a very powerful person or sometimes it is a mass of people opposing your right reason just for some selfish benefit. This helplessness then grows sometimes to anger due to which we oppose them. But many of us are suppressed, a few succeed they go on but a large part of us fail and treated very badly after that, these failed people are shown as a frightening example for all of the rest so that noone follows there footsteps again. Some bury there anger somewhere deep down and some see such horrible things that they never dare to raise there voice. Then came the thought of kalki. That voice which we hide which suppress everytime is I think the KALKI which is struggling inside us to come out someday and finish all evil. Definitely a single person cannot change the whole world because definitely he/she is going to take birth somewhere so he will have an influence in that part only he won’t be able to capture and rule the whole world in one lifetime. So thats going to be a league of people. May be that a day will come when we all will be fighting for a common cause that may be anything but the cause may be something that all good people or right people will be on one side and the all the bad people will be on one side. May be that all the good people will be of large number or may be that they may be outnumbered from the rest of the people. People say God has no existence may be KALKI also might be also having no existence its just a state at which we all will be united to fight some reason that will be universally right. May be what we think him as a very powerful big type of thing is false rather is just a feeling thats within us a very simple thing. We may call it with different name Rakesh Omprakash Mehra says it as Kala Bandar(in Delhi 6), a saint says it as his God, moral science says it Conscience or some say it as.......................KALKI ?


Anonymous said…
Very nicely written.
I am not a religious person but the way you related it to our concise and the inner voice that calls for the action against injustice was amazing.
Some where down the line most of us would agree to the fact that in this world if KALKI at all exists then as told by you he is inside us But his sword is rusted with our sins and his horse reigns are too worn out to be controlled in the war against the evil.
Its a matter of our concise to clean the rust off the sword and give new reigns to the horse.
The day we do it my friend we will have KALKI among us.
Unknown said…
bhaiya u hav done a gr8 job....

the way in which u have related our inner voice with KALKI-The GOD of DESTRUCTION - is just incredible...

thats what we call a breathtaking story..

i am going for 4 out of 5.
myshadow said…
Nicely written buddy
Poonam said…
Very well written Saroj..Nice Interpretation of Kalki.

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