Journey So Far (Part 1)
It was a cool night and I was staring and admiring at the stars while sleeping on my balcony at midnight. It was the midnight of my birthday and I was still 5 hours before the exact time stamp of my birthday. My roomy was off to his Hometown and I don't know why I was recalling some articles from newspaper where I had read many theories of the body where we stay, I would say captured or trapped in it many say it as energy and don't know why I was today focusing on this theory. At my Childhood I heard that an empty mind is a devil's workshop so I never keep it empty or idle any time rather I force it to think on Good things unless I reach the terminal of boredom and then I have to think different. My birthday is always at a perfect mid of June when the Summer is just ending and the monsoon is about to arrive or started somewhere in South India. The first Rain has come and the Air is cleared of by all dust for a clear look of the stars. They(Stars) are clearly visibl...